All content on these pages are related to the latest supported release of the Go Communicator client.
Integration Type
Client Add-in
Add-in Classification
Product / License Type
Application Information
General CRM
Supported Features
(related to latest supported release)
Address Book Search:
Click to dial via Go Communicator:
Click to dial via business application:
Caller details preview:
Manual screen pop:
Auto screen pop:
Automatic call activity logging:
Manual call activity logging:
Additional features:
Integration with Notes:
Related data:
Notes / Advisories
TahDah API Key needs to be obtained directly from TahDah.
If the integration supports caching, please note that cached integrations support up to 30,000 contacts. The live mode method would need to be used for larger directories. Performance will then be determined by a number of additional factors including network speed and application API specification.
This is the version/s of Go Communicator supporting integration to the application.
Supported Features
(related to latest supported release)
Address Book Search:
This feature allows the contact directory (address book) of an integrated business application to be searched from the Go Communicator system tray menu. A contact can be "dialed" or "popped" from the search results.
Click to dial via Go Communicator:
Allows users to dial database Contacts from the Go Communicator Address Book. Also allows users to dial from Call History, Web Pages, and On-Screen Copy/Paste via Clipboard Dialing.
Click to dial via business application:
Allows users to dial directly from a dial function natively embedded in the business application.
Caller details preview:
Incoming caller details will be displayed in an on-screen pop-up window, for either inbound or outbound call, when a match is found for the telephone number in the business application contact database.
Manual screen pop:
A small icon will be displayed in the preview window. When pressed it will pop the contact record for the caller in the business application.
Auto screen pop:
The contact record for the caller will automatically pop when the user's extension is either ringing or answered.
Features provided by the application vendor:
Integration features are natively provided within the business application. Please refer to the business application provider or related documentation for further details.
Additional features:
Additional integration features are available. Please check the notes/advisories for further details.
Automatic call activity logging:
The Go Communicator client automatically writes a call activity record to the integrated business application. This happens once the user hangs-up the call and if the phone number matches to a contact within the integrated business application. The generated call activity record is saved within the matched contact's call activity log.
Manual call activity logging:
The Go Communicator client will present an additional button on the caller preview window if a match to the caller's number is found within the integrated business application. Pressing this button will create and open a new activity window within the business application, with some fields, such as 'subject', pre-populated. In the event of a contact having the same phone number as another contact, no call activity can be created.
Integration with Notes:
The notes field from the matched CRM record will display in the Preview window.
Related data:
A small icon will be displayed in the preview window when related data is available. When pressed it will pop the related data window for the telephone number found in the business application contact database(s).
Integration Type
Client Add-in
An "Add-in" is an option in the Go Communicator client that, when configured, connects the Go Communicator client to the business application enabling a pre-defined set of integration features as detailed in the "Supported features" box.
Client Add-in with Events
An “Add-in with Events” is a Client Add-in that also sends and receives events to and from the business application such that the integration features are a combined function of the Go Communicator client and of the business application. Please refer to the “Supported features” box for more details.
Product / License Type
The minimum Product / License required to achieve integration.
Install Options
Add-In / TAPI Driver can be installed by the reseller / end user using on-line guides.
Installation must be carried out by the Go Communicator Developer.
Installation Deliverables:
Remote configuration and testing of the Add-in for the first two stations: the first to ensure everything is working as expected; the second to demonstrate to the engineer attending the site, who is then expected to deploy the remainder of the site. It is expected that the client is installed and configured on the station prior to installation / configuration of the add-in.
All installations require completion and sign-off of an on-line pre-installation checklist prior to confirmation of the installation date.
Integration Categories
Integration with this application has been successfully implemented on multiple occasions.
Please check supported versions and features before completing a quote.
Initial testing has been completed with this application.
A pilot site is required to test integration features in a production environment.
Integration with the application has previously been achieved but details are only partially documented or integration is under active review.
Requests for integration will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Not Supported:
This application has been previously reviewed and is not supported.
Add-in Classification
Standard integrations are typically* available by default within the Go Communicator client and installation can be completed by the reseller / end user using the add-in guide provided. Standard integrations use open APIs or benefit from partner agreements with the business application developer and it is expected that support for future releases will be maintained. Supported integration features are given in the table below. *In some instances, where additional Go Communicator charges or other exceptional conditions apply an unlock code may be required to enable the integration.
Controlled integrations have typically been provided on a customer project basis and either a limited agreement or no agreement is maintained with the application developer and support for future releases might not be available. The integration add-in is not available by default within the Go Communicator client and must be enabled by the Go Communicator developer at the time of installation. Supported integration features are given in the table below.
Standard Pre-Release
Completed integrations not yet available in the current production release of the software. Please contact your supplier if you have an immediate need of this integration.
Standard Select
The Standard-Select classification applies to Add-ins where additional conditions and costs must be met before installation can be undertaken. Installation can only be completed by an authorised installer (Select Installer). Once installed, Standard-Select Add-ins benefit from the same levels of support as Standard Add-ins.
The Legacy classification applies to Add-ins for business applications where support has been discontinued by the application developer. An unlock code is required to configure the Add-in in the Go Communicator client and a limited, non-SLA support level only is available.
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